Tuesday, June 10, 2008

hellOs ytd nathing much lorhs
ii wake up den hanhuii have bball so
ii wait fer his bball to end den
go eat lunch haha cus afternoon liao mahh
counted lunch den we meet thiam loong
eat tgt :D they eat duck rice
ii eat duck noodles hahas the soup damn nice
den eat finish thiam loong wait fer
his friend at the coffee shop den ii and hanhui
went off ii came back home hanhuii
go home bath den ii go find him den he jiiu
go find thiam loong ii stay at home lorhs
dun sae ytd lerhs talk about todae

todae jiahui come my house in the morning
den jiiu keep call evon cus she neber wake up yet
den finally he wake up den wait fer her
to bathe we take bus to jp and we meet her there
den when she reach we all veri hungry
so we at jp eat first . we eat kfc den
jiahui eat cheese fries ii and evon eat zinger meal
den we talk alot of things while eating
damn funny den eat finish we go take shuttle bus
to imm cus dun feel lyk going vivo
den the shuttle bus damn long while waiting
we watch cartoon cus jiahui use darren de
handphone can watch tv derhs damn good
den the bus come and we board
den ii and jiiahuii do alot of stupid things
haha ii is the crazy one haha
den reach liao go in first thing is jiahui and evon buy
ice cream ii neber ii buy water den
buy hao jiiu walk walk saw serena and angela
den go daiso walk walk
ii buy the la bi xiao xin de biscuit jiahui and evon
buy the xii you zi hahas :D
take funny picture at daiso lorhs damn LAME
den jiiu go playground walk walk sudddenly got ppl
ask us donate money ii and jiahui generous
we both donate one dollar
that evon neber donate haha lols :D
den jiiu go bakk mrt take train go lots one and
reach there find the arcade take neoprint
do funny stunt lorhs haha den take liao jiiu go toilet
cus jiiahuii wan wee wee haha evon alsho
ii nebe haha lols den ziilian haha
post the foto tmr barhs cus no time le my korkor wan use
den jiiu come bakk jp den at lailai kitchen eat
jiahui never eat cos no money
den she sae she on diet lols but ii give her eat one wat ton
haha dunno spell corret mahhs lols
den jiiu go the park there slack slack haha den 7 plus
jiiu peii evon go wait fer bus
den jiahui peii me take 242 :D imissjiahuii alot
&& all my beloved gan and friends dun worry :D

cynthia :D


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