Thursday, November 1, 2007

hellOs .
muiie qOrt a few days nebber pOst lerhhs .
cOs ii qOrt camp dhenn tOdae dhenn cOme bakk .
On 3o Oct ,
whenn tO skOol dhenn jiiu gather and gO canteen eat
after tat jiiu qO gather and tell us Our grOupp .
haiishh evOnn zhiihann n jiiahuii nebber qO ferr thiis camp .
ii wOnnder iib they qO will be mOre laughter .
dhenn i same grOupp as pauliine diifferent frm lOraiine n meiiling .
mOii grOupp qOrt a cute bOii asraf .
shhO cute dhenn we reach camppsiite jiiu play games barhhs .
dO alOt Obb push upp but iish Our cOnnsequences
dhenn gOrt OperatiiOn tOrchliight
the games are shhO funn but qOrt summOne pushh muiie
dhenn ii injure . actually ii nOe hu push muiie
juz tat ii dunCh wann sae Onli .
nebbermiindd fOrget iit . dhenn jiuun qO bathhe .
the tOilet Okae lOrhhs .
dhenn bathe liaO jiiu slp lerhhs .
next dae 31 Oct ,
we start wiib a game quiite fun but unfaiir .
nebbermiind cOs the wOrldd iish alshO unfaiir tO everyOne .
dhenn jiiu carry On tO Our victOry
dhenn we need carry the jerrycann n vaintage
dhenn shhO heavy n On guys One tO help
Onlii sOme . dhenn ii carry the jerrycann all the way
till we gOiing reach the christian cemetry
dhenn they help n ii keep carry the vaintage .
whiile walking Our sergean change I/C
tO muiie and ii dunCh quiite nOe wadd ii need tO dO .
and in the encOuragement Obb mOii sergean
ii diid it . and whenn we reach back Our campsiite
we scratch here and there lyk mOnkey =Xx
dhenn jiiu eat diinner and
start Our cO eveniing .
cO eveniing ish lyk gather tgt and share thiing
n every platOon gOrt tO perfOrm
and ii'm One habb tO shhare . OMG ! =/
ii shhy and talk till keep stOpping .
dhenn jiiu gOrt alOt perfOrmers and Our sergean alshO gOrt perfOrm.
all the sergean perfOrm till berii funny .
dhenn jiiu bathhe and slp lerhhs .
Oh ya whenn ii bathhe mOii slipper drOpp behiind the place we bathhe
and can't take . lOls =/
dhenn next dae whiich iish tOdae .
we cleann the slpiing area and start Our graduatiiOn parade .
dhenn berii happy getting the gOld medal .
ii thOught iish fauzii .
dhenn we gOiing bakk de tym whenn we at the bus .
iish Our last gather wiibb Our sergeann .
but berii happii .
dhenn reach skOol de tym saw yenn evOnn zhiihann walk Out
dhenn dunCh wann them see muiie but dunCh nO
they qOrt saw muiie mahhs . nebbermiind .
dhenn drOpp Of the bus saw jastiine talk awhiile jiiu qO cannteen lerhhs.
dhenn wait ferr hanhuii jiiu qO hOme bathhe
and yOuu nOe wadd ii was tOo tiired and fall aslp .
btw ii berii tiired and ii sOre thrOat .
gOiing nO vOiice . dhenn jiiu cOme hanhuii huuse use cOm awhiile
dhenn wann gO hOme liiaO =/
tiiredd andd siick .
ii dunCh nO whyiie keep tiinking abOut evOnn can ask meiilinq .
in summOne blOg lyk say abOut muiie .
but nebbermiindd ii sae befOre lerhhs wadd ii dOnne wrOng dOne lerhhs.
hate muiie ii dunCh miindd as lOng yOu all happi .
a biiq thhanns ferr our sergeann rey .
and mOii grOupp members =/
ii wann tO gO bakk tO the past .
butt cann mahhs ? ~
wanna endd liiaO tiink wriite berii lOng lerhhs .
LOVES ; success campp =/

emOthhiia ; xiiaOthhiia


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